The National Inuit Youth Council represents the interests of Inuit youth in Canada. Site members benefit from a wide range of information, services and forums targeted at Inuit youth identity and issues.

The Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women offers advocacy and healing strategies to women and their children in an effort to reduce violence against women. The Creator Wheel on the Domestic Violence sub-page outlines many ways of preventing and dealing with domestic abuse.

 Tel Jeunes est un site francophone sur la toxicomanie créé specialement pour les jeunes. Le site offre une variété de renseignements et de conseils sur les drogues, la violence, le suicide et la santé.

The Turtle Lodge is a First Nations Centre for Learning and Healing that acts as a “place of truth” for its members and visitors. The website offers useful links to teachings, programs and publications.

Zoot2 is an informative, interactive youth website on drugs and addiction prevention maintained by the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC). The site offers games and activities, self-help articles and information on treatment programs