Love, Doing It Right: A Manual

The lyrics to the chorus of Love You Give are based on the 7 Sacred Teachings of the Anishnabe: Respect, Honesty, Love, Humility, Bravery, Wisdom and Truth; and the Inuit core values of Caring, Sharing and Cooperation. The tips in this manual were provided by 100 Inuit, Métis and First Nation youth from the City of Ottawa.

Tip Sheet #1

Doing It Right Through Honesty “Be honest with your peers and it’ll keep it equal”: Warning Signs of Unhealthy Relationships

A healthy relationship is not possible with someone whose behaviour is unhealthy. Honesty means facing up to the situation, not denying it, excusing it or minimizing it. The following warning signs are red flags for unhealthy relationships.

  • Abusing substances such as alcohol or drugs.
  • Any kind of violence including threats.
  • Dishonesty.
  • Being mean or disrespectful by taking frustration or anger out on others instead of talking it out or asking for help.
  • Lack of intimacy.
  • Someone who is controlling, who wants to make decisions for you or do things against your will.
  • Being negative or critical all the time

If you or someone you know is showing signs of unhealthy behaviours, there are places and people who can help. Talk to a trusted Elder, school guidance counsellor, teacher or youth service in your community about how best to get help for yourself or a friend. The following websites are also helpful sources of information.

National Inuit Youth Council: (‘Coping Tips for Teens’)
Aboriginal Youth Network: (‘One Stop Wellness Station’)