You said it’s over but then soon enough you realized that it is not- you started to miss him or her very badly. The only thing that you want to do right now is to figure out how to get your ex back before it’s way too late. The reason or reasons of your break-up may play a crucial role in this step; however, there’s no harm in trying to win back the heart of someone you want to keep for good. If you were together for a while then you must know this person well enough to know some tricks to get him or her back. If not, and if you really, really want to have this person back in your life, then at least you can try some doable methods presented in this article.
Yes, there are tricks on how to get your ex boyfriend back or how to get your ex girlfriend back in even as fast as two weeks! Actually there are two most effective ways of making your ex run back to you. But just a little caution- the things that you are about to do may be hard at first considering the duration of your relationship together. You might have been spending every single day talking or going out so the initial stages of this ‘how to get your ex back’ secret is pretty painful at the start. However, no matter the pangs that you might undergo, it is going to be worth the try because first, you want this special person back and second, these doable ways have already been proven and tested in the past.
So if you just recently parted ways with your boyfriend or girlfriend, listen very seriously and apply these methods confidently. As a matter of fact, most relationship gurus and books advise these two main tricks in winning your ‘lost’ sweetheart back. This first one would be the challenging and tricky part but yes, you have to completely cut off contact with your ex. This means absolutely zero phone calls (both initiated and return calls), no emails, no text messages, no voicemail messages, no Facebook posts, no tweets, and no secret inquiries from friends or any person associated with the both of you. Well, of course it will be difficult thing to do especially when you begin to reminisce the sweeter days, but really if you want to establish something that could eventually get you both back together, then just stick to this trick for two straight weeks at least.
You would now ask why? Well to probably a few of us who somehow manage to come up with their own tactics, this step may not be as surprising. It may not even be that difficult to apply even especially when there’s some seriousness in the cause of the separation. The main rationale to this act is to create a sense of self-respect and importance on your end and a sense of eagerness on the other. When you cut the communication instantly and completely, this would trigger ‘curiosity’ on the other party as well. ”What’s going on with his or her life now without me?” Or “Is he or she coping that pretty quickly?” Such questions would eat him away if he won’t get some answers to it very soon. Therefore, the first tip is to pretend that you don’t care- don’t contact him or her.
The next one is to focus on things that make you truly happy and gay. This one is also very logical. This is one of the best ways to avoid post-breakup depression. Many of us may really give in to grief once their loved one goes out the door. But the thing is there’s so much out there that could make you feel better and forget some painful realities of your life. What are these hints to a healthier post-breakup stage? Very easy actually- go out, watch movies, engage into sports and other physical activities, watch television shows, do your hobbies like cooking and baking, walk your pets…the list could be endless. So what’s the secret? Focus on improving yourself and enhancing your disposition rather than thinking of why and where things went sour. Deviate your thoughts on your ex; just do those things that not only develop you but also encourage you to have fun.
One amazing discovery is nearly a hundred percent of broken relationships can be restored. The only thing is even though some would like to get back with their exes, they don’t really know the right things to do. Often, they would resort to mindless actions that would push the other further away. Bottom line, if you are truly committed to the idea that your ex-bf or ex-gf is someone worth winning back, make some steps but only those that are appropriate and are not making you the desperate loser.